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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Make Money on Facebook Easily With 6 Most Popular Ways

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make money on facebook an earn money on fb page
After analyzing and researching a lot I have found that one of the most trending Questions nowadays is that“How can one Make Money on Facebook” and “how you can Covert the time you Spend on Facebook to earn money from it”. As a Facebook addict, you definitely had struck with this kind of thought and even searched for it. As I’m also the so-called “Facebook geeks” had asked all my friends much curious to know about this Online Money Making Idea, but none of them able to provide me all the best possible ways to earn money from Facebook. Rumors are that a “Facebook page Admin earns more amount of money if the image/post it shares got more number of likes. That’s why they always ask to like whatever they publish”. Purely this is not true. If you too consider this, than it’s hard to say, but you are living in a society that is full of Blind advisers  and must read my guide on how to Make Money on Facebook.
Everyone knows Facebook and so do you, and that’s why I’m not explaining enough about the Facebook Network. Here I have made a list of 6 Most Popular Ways to Make Money on Facebook and some top best tips so that you can easily earn money from Facebook.

Most Popular Ways to Make Money on Facebook

a)Facebook Page

Every Individual is on Facebook,and each brand is on the Facebook page. Make Money on Facebook Page ideology is very simple. Capture Facebook users as much as you can. This you can do with Like Button of your Facebook Page. More the Number of Facebook Users like your Fan Page more is the reach of your page. With this huge amount of audience, you can Promote any Company Products or Websites, and they can pay you accordingly for just displaying a Banner of theirs on your Page Wall. You can also do affiliate Marketing on your Facebook Page which I have described below to make money from Facebook.You can Read more at  Stunning Ways to Earn with Facebook Pages, Likes and Groups

b)Affiliate Marketing

It’s the idea of showing Ad’s on your Facebook wall. Simply go to some of the popular Affiliate Marketing Companies like AmazonCommission JunctionClick Bank and register a new account for free. When you complete your sign up process, you have to choose the products which you want to refer to your Facebook Friends.You are provided the code of the product with you affiliate id. Use this code and display it on Facebook. Whenever any person clicks on that Ad and purchases the product from the Company Website, you can make money on Facebook by getting the Commission. If you want to know more about Affiliate Marketing go thorough the given link affiliate marketing programs for websites

c)Make Money by Creating a Facebook App

If you are a Developer and have a pretty good Knowledge of programming Languages then you can use your skills to build a Facebook app with your Unique idea and sell it your Facebook Users. The Strategy to make money on Facebook with this way is to promote your Apps with Facebook Ads and drive the maximum number of users to use your App. Additionally you can apply for CPM Advertising networks like CPAlead to display ads and you will be paid according to that no. of impressions on your App.

d)Create a Facebook blog or an e-book

Facebook today is one of the most gossiping thing around the World. Almost all the people are connected with it, and that’s make Facebook a popular topic on which you can design and launch your Blog. You can Post all the Awesome tips, news,updates, marketing strategies regarding Facebook on your Blog or Website. You can do the same by publishing an e-book and earn with it.

e)Earn Money on Facebook with Existing Facebook Applications

There are some great Apps through which by using them you can easily make money on Facebook. The one I found out recently is Embeepay through which you can recharge your mobile for Free.  App Bank and Live Stock is another such Facebook App though which you can earn money.

f) Expand Your Business

You have an Existing Business, and want to expand it. And I guarantee that you never found this bulk amount of Free audience anywhere. Facebook is always the biggest market place for any kind of Business. You can connect and engage with your Customers by setting up a Facebook Page  or a Group. If you are a Publisher or a Blog Owner then Facebook is just like a Butter for your Blog Income as you can always direct Facebiik Users from your Page to all the published Article on your Website thus Generating a bulk amount of Traffic.
Hope you enjoyed reading this.You can  Subscribe our Weekly Newsletter to get other Important Updates and Essential Tips to make Money Online. If you know any other Source that you might think be added in this post, kindly Share with us in our comments section Below.

Sunday, February 23, 2014 Share:
About Shubham Gupta

Hi!!!it's Shùbhàm gùptà, An Engineering student from Kurukshetra, Haryana.And is Founder and Author at Fugurworld.You can connect with Shubham gupta on
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